Saturday 14 November 2009

In rememberance pt 3

Yep, back from Bodyworlds yesterday and it was exhausting,(i actually slept on the bus Anyways, im glad i made this trip. The guy in charge of our demo session was actually called Seetoh. Jy and sharafina were like 'Is he your father?' Man, i wouldnt call him my relative...And he went on to explain some bio stuff which i can assure you is unnecessary, that is till he reached the part on the reproductive organs. You can actually feel that everybody in the room is getting excited. All thanks to the unidentified male human specimen on the ppt slide. His 'ahhem' is very obviously, hanging Mr Seetoh then went on to justify some human anatomy that is wrong in the picture due to the angle at which the photo was taken and yep, everybody burst into excited giggles. He even gave us five minutes of sex education...oh gosh. Disclaimer:He is seriously not my relative. The exhibition was fine, though i expected a bigger one, and you cant touch most of them cuz they were encased. It took jy and me 1hr 15 mins to finish the winding exhibition and by this time, we were famished. Obviously porridge cant fill you for long...

Well spent the whole day packing up my notes and books for recycling and there was sooo much. My room was in a total mess and is still now. Sigh, luckily i hadnt caught a flu, what with all the dust flying about from all those papers...

Yep, the papers amount to this much...

Ok maybe this was cleaner than it was just now...

Anyway since this is about remembering, i shall continue.:)

Year 2000- Mainly i started out school at Qifa. On the first day, i met Victor. He is kinda mixed blood and was loads of fun. We took the same school bus together and i remembered sitting wif him. And he is one little devil...he tickled me the whole way home. I was so busy getting back at him that i actually forget to get down the bus at my stop! lol. The bus auntie had to come and pull me out of the seat before i realised i was home,haha. Silly me. And yep, meet Mrs Poon, form teacher for class 1c. The first time i see her, i thought i saw a giant or something. Then and there, i promised to behave well cuz i wouldnt want to step on her toes. Her non-chalant look alone is enough for me. There was one time she wasnt in class and Victor was asked to sit by himself in the middle of the classroom for talking and i dun noe what happened, but he started eating paper! The whole class was shocked at first and at the next second, everybody started throwing papers at him and aasking him to eat again. This guy's a weirdo...I remembered another one of my guy frien eating...yep, colour pencil leads from the shavings. Its a wonder i hadnt started eating them myself at that

As was typical in a primary school, we were lined up in boy/girl pairs. I was the tallest girl in my class and got paired to this boy bigger-sized then me. His hands were flaking(tuo pi)! Ewww...i think he had Alzheimer's or something. Man, i had to endure countless of times holding his hands. Believe me, i was seriously reluctant and even tried to avoid holding hands with him. I never get to escape, cuz he will always grab my hand instead. Then came that one day i was shocked out of my wits. He told his friend in front of me that when he grows up, he wants to marry me.(!!!!!) I was at a lost of words and kept looking at the ground, maybe wishing that a hole would would open up and swallow me whole.

During this time, i was enrolled into Rotary childcare centre near my house. It was like this big private area wif a single storey house and it was a great place as there was a lot of outdoor space for us kids to roam and explore. (it was torn down two years back and converted to an O level exam centre- imagine my shock). Anyway, the first person i saw and who later became my best friend, was Liu Qiao. We bcame best buddies since and we were always seen wif each other at the childcare. There was this seriously interesting episode that i happened to witness but i wouldnt say it, to protect my this particular facebook But i wouldnt forget it, ok maybe this is the reason why i recognised him on facebook despite losing in touch for like eight years.

2001- Had a change of form teacher.whew. Chong Yan became my desk buddy and the unfortunate victim of my teasings. He always liked to hum a song while doing worksheets under his breath and i always managed to hear it. In response, i leaned in closer and flashed a big smile at him. He would then immediately stop humming and asked ' what!'. Can totally see that he was embarrassed haha. And i myself did the same thing one day, and he got back at me tic for tac.

Days at the childcare was rather routine: School ends go to childcare, followed by a bath,lunch and then homework before play. I also had another great buddy, Joanna. (We were however not very close till about pri three or four.)

2002- I really cant remember much of this year except that i got this really unique form teacher. We call her Ms Shara, but in fact, her name is much longer than this, and i mean much much longer. Every morning before lessons, she would switch off the lights and lighted a candle. She would then asked us to close our eyes and want us to imagine a scene. At first, i would follow,but this later became a chance for me to doze off a little while.hahas.

2002 to 2003- Holidays were spent at the childcare and they were the most fun filled time of my life. Mr Wee, who was in charge of the childcare centre, had built a playground and a sand pit beside the basketball court. You cant imagine how elated we were. The wole group of us (approx 20 ppl) spent many afternoons playing blind mice on the playground. We had to stay on the structure or we would lose and become the next blind mouse if we ever dropped to the sand pit below. The walking space on the structure itself was particularly limited and for this reason, we resorted to hanging out and even climding up onto the roof to get out of the way. If you'd actually look, you can see everybody covering every avaliable outside wall of the playground. Laughs. We were like all struggling to hold on while the blind mouse slowly made his way and waving his hands around. Sometimes, some of us would just lost our grip(me included) and get into a sandy mess. I would always go home like a sweaty There was this another time when us girls did something particularly daring. During bathe time, we locked the door of the shared bathroom and flooded the whole place! We can even sort of swim in it. Then Mdm Lee found out. Dang! We thought we were discreet enough but the excited sqeals apparently cant escape her sharp ears. She has a petite build and a strictness that is inversely proportioned. The moment she rapped her knuckles on the door, all my friends rushed to the cubicles and locked the doors, that is except for me. LOl all of them pangseh me! Then i had to become the scrapgoat by opening the door and getting slapped on the butt with a ruler. She had her eyes glued to us from that day onwards. Other than this, we also played typical girl games like 'family'.

Once, we had a new friend and she knew how to do cartwheels. We begged her to teach us and all of us spent afternoons trying to master this art. The first time i did, gravity pulled me down halfway and i knocked the crown of my head on the hard floor of the basketball court. Yep but i managed to do cartwheels smoothly after more such attempts. But the one thing i hadnt got the hang of is handstands. There is this one time I did a handstand on the slope at the entrance and managed to get myself upright. I was grinning like nodoby's business, and then came the fall. The slope and gravity had worked against me and i just fall flat down the slope. Man, i would never do a handstand there again. Us girls also liked to hang out at the monkey bars, where we were practically monkeys, hanging upside down and doing turnovers...those were the days...

Upper primary school days will be left for later...

ps. Oh and i downloaded 262 songs today from Comes With Music, shiok sia.hahas


Friday 13 November 2009

In rememberance p t2

Yep time certainly flies...its already down to the last paper, and that will be a weekend Been thinking about lots of stuff, especially since i've recently got myself involved in facebook (bad timing, i know).
Truckloads of friends and memories just overwhelmed me. Gosh i miss my primary school days so much! And yep, the years at Rotary childcare centre were also much remembered, thanks to joanna (my Barbie doll
Went to group forum for Qifa's alumni and they were all talking about Mrs Poon! Hahas! I cant help but double over, they were all remembering about her 'fake' hair, red long fingernails and her 'sternness'. Even as she taught me only in pri one, young as we were, we were already speculating the authenticity of her crop hair.LOL. (by arguing about her hairline!!) I remembered the first question she asked me was 'Are you a cantonese?' to which i meekly nodded. Seriously i was scared of her, she is kinda big boned...From then on, she call me Kar Mun (cantonese style in a higher pitch). Man i cringed whenever she said that...
She only scolded me once (i am a good gurl ya noe) for some mistakes in my work and is one that i am not likely to forget, i was soo embarassed...
Anyway more later on, going for the BodyWorlds exhibition later, Cant wait!


Saturday 17 October 2009

In remembrance ~pt1

Been preparing for the O's and decided to take some time out to do this. And i really have to say this: "I'm gonna miss you guys!!"

To xiaoyun, janice and vivian+co: We've been through a lot in co, with all that practising and scoldings, and not to mention some mischief-making in the middle 'laughs'.

2006- Boy, xiaoyun do you remember that we spent five torturous months learning the sheng and managed to perform in time for the june school's public performance? That was a really novel experience and i couldnt believe we spent three quarters of our june holidays- going back to school everyday! I believe we had put up a great show, no matter that we are the first batch. And no matter how much scoldings we'd endured during that time, i was really pleased when our thirty ppl orchestra swept the audience off their feet. Werent you feeling glad too, when all of our efforts had amounted to something?
It was only then that i realised the meaning of teamwork, when the sounds of all of the instruments weave among each other, fiddling with each other playfully...
Ps. Remember when i twisted my pipe right in front of the conductor, and her face went totally twisted - oops. I was so scared i was practically sweating buckets in that cold room. Luckily air could still pass through that constricted airway and i do not have to pay for a new one.(whew...)

2007- We had a new teacher, Wu lao shi. Boy am i so glad. Big Guo scares me man. Then our duo sheng group welcomes two new members- janice and vivian. Xioayun and i couldnt have presented a better impression of ourselves when the both of you walked into the room- to see us playing doe to ti in the corner. Well actually, we were asked to play all of our 36 fingerings in order- 20 times. so embarrassing manz...We dun really start off too well did we? Nevertheless, i got used to turning to my right and seeing the three of you beside me. It was the SYF i guess, that pulls us together. The many days spent together in practises couldnt have bonded us more. Remember the days when all of us would walk home together, and all we'd talked about was the conductor! We've certainly got lots of complaints-
And remember how nervous we were, outside the door leading to the SYF stage. Months of preparation have led us here, and i cant tell you how intimidated i got when the previous orchestra, Catholic high, blasted their songs right through the thick wooden door. Boys certainly do have lots of energy...And can you believe we've got silver!
I will never forget the Catholic boys behind me when they gave ear-splitting screams of joy after hearing the results. We were shocked- i mean they were boys rite? They became our joke that day...

2008- The year really started off badly- with the passing of our beloved teacher,Wu lao shi. For a moment, I'm sure all of us were really shocked. He didnt just seem the type to die suddenly...did he? He seem so well the last time we saw him.
We wept together that very day...Nevertheless, we had to go on. Zhao lao shi became our tutor not long later. Also started on preparations for the SYF.

2009-Did you see the conductor's face when she came in and spot the both of you in front of the blank whiteboard? Haha. She wont be glad to hear that we have been teaching english to to zhao lao shi.~ Remember during the break, we went down to get drinks and instead spent an extra half an hour watching the parade ceremony rehearsal. Wanting to get a better look, we had to pass by that corridor (that sharafina had termed as 'the hall of smells') after the cadets file out, and boy it really stinks! That day during the school's anniversary, i had a really great time - laughing at 'jiggly' in the parade, along with Gable and De han (or is it Tai yun?). You couldnt imagine what we were thinking, it was simply hilarious. Really had to hand it to the both of them...
We were really quite exasperated nearing the SYF. There was just a lot of stuff that didnt seem right. The melody, the attitude, teamwork...But we've put in our very best. Not to mention the atmosphere everybody felt when playing at the SYF in front of the judges,- we were actually enjoying ourselves...we were swaying and moving as a group with the music, strolling, racing and even having instrument conversations! I dont have to elaborate how everybody was feeling after that. The world seems so much more colourful and for just a moment, we believed that we had outdone ourselves. And it had all came crashing down when the results were announced. Even as we console ourselves that it was not our playing that has caused us to lose marks, it was nevertheless a heavy weight indeed.

Even so, i will always remember fondly the days we had. How Janice had suddenly pulled my bag, and caused me to fall backwards. (Man, i was so surprised.) All the concerts and performances we had ever performed in, and some funny incidents that happen along the way...The days we spent hiding at the staircase playing our music, the grumbles we had lugging our heavy instruments from one place to another, pretending to play when the presidents and teachers walked past...and not to mention how we had teased zhao lao shi - in english. And oh, the fridays we spent at the pool. Doing our very own silly 'skydiving', teaching janice and xiaoyun the art of kicking and breathing(!), racing with vivian to see who could dive the longest and furthest, and the highlight of the day...watching housewives doing aqua aerobics underwater. We'd nearly choked from all that laughing in the water-laughs.

And Sheng rocks forever manz!
BFs forever!

Monday 7 September 2009

Call me repentent


Well i really dun noe what came over me the other day and it got better today. Had chem lesson jux now and i realised that she is still the teacher i respected. I guess she was in a bad mood that day. Really hope she remains cheerful in spite of all she had went through the past year. And i sincerely apologized for letting off some of my steam on her. '-'

Been quite moody on sat but it was better on sun. JY came to my house and we played badminton wif my family. Havent done this in a long time and it was thoroughly fun. Dad was as fit as he was before he got dengue two years ago and Bro had grown up to be as tall as me. Dad and i paired up in a match against bro and i bet i lost hundreds of calories running around and stretching to hit the shuttlecock. The result? i had aching legs today and i almost limped to school. Owells, after that we had breakfast and jy and i went to the temple to study. Sneaked in some chips and chocolates on the way. haha.

Well i realised today that i must stop being so moody, if i continue in this state, how am i going to sit for my O's?

So buck up kahmun!


Thursday 3 September 2009


Dunno why but i kinda am getting frustrated these days.

Whats with sweet sixteen...i mean its totally not sweet. Exams, study and more exams. Initially thought i could handle optimistic, but why am i not feeling that way now?

I wouldnt want my posts to sound like a rambling session but kinda cant help it.

The only thing comforting now was jy - Thanks so much!- Cant wait to go on our shopping spree next week:)

Didnt have exams today so i stayed at home and slacked the whole day, cant just bring myself to study...whats waiting for me are chem papers..zzz..i seriously dun mind doing but her attitude is just driving me up the wall. Used to respect her and now...well she's just another person. I really dun need her critical eye now...its not like i didnt cared abt chem, i seriously do and even loved it (for a while at least) but she's making it rather hard for me. I had a notion to get an A1 for chem to show her that i can do it, and i will do my best.

Like most of my friends, i am waiting for the day i can get out of this school. I do love my school but all good things come to an end and i am ready, and want to move on. A new environment would be really nice, you can start over and not have to experience the same mundane life i kinda am living in now. Kudos to the phrase "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy". Well i am feeling rather dull rite now. I need to start a new life!!

I thought i would never have to say this but here it is - "I dun like Chinese!" I do want to get an A1 for it but since i didnt, i am willing to retake it at the end of the year...but its not like i am going to put in my best effort in it, as it is, this topic has been like an extinguished flame. Mundane revision and worksheets simply squashed it out...dun feel like taking it tomorrow.

Just realised my schhol wasnt at all that innocent i initially thought it that i am in the graduating batch, i found out that they are basically results-obssessed. Take him for example, just prior to our eng orals, he kept reminding us to 'follow our teachers closely', 'have to do our best'etc etc. Its seriously getting on my nerves...i mean everything seems so satirical. I thought he would be more concerned about our welfare but all i see in his eyes and hear from his mouth are A1s and value-added achievements.

Haiz..I am so tired. Mentally. I do admit that i totally slacked today but i dont see the point in studying today. I was not in the mood to do it. Even so, i did a whole chem paper (her hw) albeit half-heartedly. I cant help but snicker at myself, why am i pushing so hard to get an A for the prelims when the o'levels are actually a notch easier than those papers invented to 'train' us? Its totally demoralising.

Imagine my disappointment after doing chem papers consistently for the whole of the June holidays. I didnt aim for an A1 but something better than a 'just pass' and i dun even want to think about the feeling she gave to me after announcing my results in front of the class. Her tone is just...confidence-crushing. Nevertheless, i decide to ignore it. But she totally went too far that fateful day. i noe its my fault for not doing the work she assigned but did she need to say all those hurtful stuff? Does not doing your homework makes you unqualified for the 'pure' chem stream? And whats with the "Those that shouldnt be hanging are still hanging on..."? She lost my respect on that very day.

As if their pressure's not enough, my parents had to chip in. I am really thankful that all these years they have been understanding and left my studies to myself. But i guess the o's is a big matter. I totally snapped at them when my mum mentioned that i should study instead of reading before bed. As if that wasnt enough she had to mention it again. Last night, my dad took that role. Nooo...

And of course i love my family, and always will...

This has been my only post that i have let myself out and after this, i hope to feel better...

Someone's watching over me by hilary duff

Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is just you're not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

Seen that ray of light
And it's shining on my destiny
Shining all the time
And I wont be afraid
To follow everywhere it's taking me
All I know is yesterday is gone
And right now I belong
Took this moment to my dreams

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

It doesn't matter what people say
And it doesn't matter how long it takes
Believe in yourself and you'll fly high
And it only matters how true you are
Be true to yourself and follow your heart

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even when it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That someone's watching over
Someone's watching over
Someone's watching over me

I will be ok,

Friday 14 August 2009

A slice of life pt1

Found this rather meaningful...

A SLICE OF LIFE – Go With the Flow

Life is like a raging river. There is constant flow. In fact, agitation and movement are essential for life to endure. Stagnant waters breed disease and decay.

So when life decides to throw a rock at us, like when we lose a job or partner, don’t lose heart. Don't negatively judge events or circumstances that initially seem “bad” or “unfortunate”. Things don’t happen by accident, and mistakes or misfortunes are simply precursors for positive change.

We can't control things like losing a job or losing a partner. Loss is essential for growth and survival. When we experience loss or some other stressful change in our lives, we can give in to negative feelings like anger, disappointment, self-pity, self-loathing, trepidation and fear. We can allow these emotions to strain our mind, effectively crippling its ability to discover viable solutions. We can imagine the worst, and let something that may not come to pass affect our present state of mind.

Or we can go with the flow of change. Some things in our lives have to go in order to make way for better things. The Universe has a way of nudging us along when we get too lazy, complacent or comfortable. Occasionally, it gives us a big shove. The Universe knows when stagnation is making us fat and feeble. It knows when something in our lives has to shift in order for us to continue growing. It then arranges for people and events to push us towards what we were meant to be.

Most people however, choose to resist or ignore the signs. They are so firmly embedded in the riverbed that they refuse to let the currents lift them away. The years go by, and along with them, a flood of lost opportunities and the stubborn rocks are finally left buried under algae and dirt.

If you've recently lost your job, lost a partner or something you felt was valuable to you, think… Were you really happy with your job?

Did you put your dreams on hold because you were trapped in a wake up, go to work, go home, go to bed routine? Had you stopped growing in that job? Did nothing excite you anymore about your work? What about your ex-partner? Were you really good for each other? Or were you hanging on because you were afraid of being alone?

You didn’t have the time nor the nerve to go out and do what you really wanted to do. Well, now you do!

Go with the flow of change!

For all...


Sunday 9 August 2009


Zzzzz...hey to whoever out there...

Ahem...let me ask, wat is wrong nowadays.
Is it me or that many people are sinking in a sand hole of depressionism...
Hey comeon guys cheer up
I'm no klutz either...
On a higher note, i had quite a fun day today. JY came to my house and we did some studying. I had to lug in a bigger table from the kitchen to the window corner of my room...cuz my table was basically too small.
Other than studying, JY 'inspected' my books, flipping through scores of my baby photos and we also played Taboo, singlish version. Plus immersing ourselves in the voices of lohan, archuleta and sugababes.
We later went to cp...'oh man, we missed the pledge taking' and promptly did it in the back seats of the bus. Like how silly we can be.'laughs'
Brought soy bean milk. JY decided to spill hers on the seats and we hid in the toilet for some time...oops
Nine thirty came and well, home bound.

Been flipping through some of my travel photos and think it might be fun to post some...

Date: Nov 08
Location: China
Currently: On the night train bound for rural Zhangjiajie from Guangzhou

Ok apparently this was taken the morning after but look at that, i mean whoa.

Look at that brother of mine on my bunk. He always 'loves' my bed. Get off man. "laughs"

The weather was, as my dad says 'shiok man', it hit us right smack in the face and i lurve the weather. Left the luggage lugging to mum and bro...before you smack me on the butt abt this, my dad was behind this camera and he wasnt lugging any luggage guy. Btw, Im the one in the red hoodie. We were actually looking for our china tour guide and mates, damn they walk fast...and they were hardly noticable, what with their common brown jackets and all.

Before i forget, Happy Birthday Singapore! (love you!!)

loggin out...

Thursday 6 August 2009


The string of olevels is already underway...chinese-tick, eng oral-tick,chem skill 3-tick....Coming rite up- bio skill 3, msp oral, eng oral...groan...not to mention another round of prelims. Hey i'm not complaining...just found out some great songs that you might wanna go check them out...

@You belong with me - Taylor Swift\
@Crush - David Archuleta\
@Longer - "
@With you -"


Tuesday 19 May 2009

OMG! - co stuff

I cant believe what i found today!

Check this web:

Some excerpts...

43. Nan Chiau High School 海上第一人 - 鄭和 (Silver)
Sad but i am proud of it...

Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #10 at on: April 22, 2009, 09:46:53 PM
nanchiau should have got gold. zhong hua should have got gwh...but i am thinking their conductor(the same) arranged the set piece not to the judge likings because their choice piece was very very difficult.

Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #13 at
on: April 23, 2009, 04:46:53 PM »
Hiess.I think the schools who paticipate in this year's SYF are really good.Especially Nan Chiau High School, they really deserve a GOLD manzxzxzx.Any idea why they got SILVER instead ?!?!?!Reply soon wor. Lurbzxzzxzxzxz you.


Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #15 at
CO@SG on: April 23, 2009, 05:27:35 PM »

Agree that their choice piece was too difficult . i heard friends that nan chiau & zhonghua played very well but with unexpected result .
Haiz...xu lao shi...

Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 2
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #17 at on: April 23, 2009, 06:48:31 PM »
i think all the schools did qutie well.The award doesnt really matters. It's the harwork and effort that has been put into performing that counts.
Yep, i totally agree...

Musician OfflinePosts: 51
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #19 at
CO@SG on: April 23, 2009, 08:50:17 PM
Xu YiPing arranged Nan Chiau set piece in a way they stopped before the kuai ban and then continued, i think thats where they lost alot of points. And furthermore, they chose that difficult choice piece, with luo wei lun the composer as judge which meant any error will be hugely magnified as well.zhong hua played very well but once again i think its xu yiping way of arrangement which didn't match the judge flavours. I think Woodgrove was slightly better than ZhongHua, but both should have got gwh.
XU LAO SHI!! cant help but mourn at our loss...

Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 1
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #21 at

on: April 23, 2009, 10:11:47 PM »
I think SAC did really well this year , as like, infront of them were gwh schools, and they still can get a gold, though their some parts wrong here and there. I also heard that nan chiau laughed at them, when they went backstage, and some teacher rolled eyes at them.

Puh-leese...all of us were shedding tears of happiness.Did i hear laughter? NOPE!

Musician OfflinePosts: 25
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #22 at
CO@SG on: April 23, 2009, 10:32:36 PM »
haha, i guess the results were retribution to them. No school should laugh at other schools.

I totally do not agree with you. Just shut up.

Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 1
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #23 at
CO@SG on: April 23, 2009, 11:00:07 PM »
hmmm,i don't think its really fair for you to say that,cos afterall, i've heard them perform tht day , & personally,i felt tht it was a gold i think 'retribution' isnt a good word to put in esp,when it was just a rumour tht NCHS CO laughed at SAC CO, i think tht you should'nt laugh at other school'sresults cos even you, said this,"No school should laugh at other schools."so yea,thts my opinion.
You are our saviour!

Musician OfflinePosts: 51
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #24 at
CO@SG on: April 23, 2009, 11:13:05 PM »
i think nchsco was better than sacco anyway that day

Thank you so much!

Musician OfflinePosts: 33
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #25 at
CO@SG on: April 23, 2009, 11:23:48 PM »
I think nan chiau got Silver cuz they chose the wrong choice piece....but they probably chose their choice peice before they knew who the judges were so perhaps, it's just their luck >.< (xia fei yun conducted yue er gao before, but by the time snco found out that he's the conductor, sn alr chose yue er gao as their choice piece)furthermore, if luo wei lun the composer didn't think that nan chiau expressed what he wanted to express when he wrote that piece....>.


Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 14
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #26 at
CO@SG on: April 24, 2009, 12:40:49 AM »
no offence but i didn't think nau chiau was up to the gold standard yet... they were not very stable plus i think because they changed some of the notes to an octave lower... which well maybe changed what the song was supposed to be like... anyway. that song was challenging and nau chiau was brave enough to choose that song. it's already an accomplishment for that. correct me if i'm wrong.

Ditto.Thanks for the brave word though. Frankly we are just charging blindly.

Principal Player OfflinePosts: 68
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #29 at
CO@SG on: April 24, 2009, 09:57:59 AM »
no pun intended. but i agree as well. their choice is too grand a piece for syf, the composer's one of the judges, they doubled instrument parts on other instruments for quantity sound and changed many initial ideas & sound effects that mr lwl's intended. perhaps that is why, like clrnc mentioned earlier, they're heavily penalized (?).
Sharp ears you got there. And 'too grand'?

Principal Player OfflinePosts: 113
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #30 at

on: April 24, 2009, 10:32:00 AM »
Nan Chiau's choice piece, 海上第一人 - 鄭和, is one of my favourite pieces. For a secondary school orchestra to even attempt to play this piece, much less use it in SYF, is really bold.2 years ago, when I performed this piece with SYCO and SCO, I feel we didn't do a very good job of it, which shows the level this piece required. Mr Law is very proud of this composition, and has very high expectations of anyone who performs it.

Ok, i believe you (grand only though). A deadly factor too.

Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 5
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #31 at
CO@SG on: April 24, 2009, 06:03:54 PM »
Zhco's chosen piece was ' xiang xi feng qing'. We worked hard to perform that song. XYP gave us that song because she believed that this batch could
actually play this song well and we did. Although we didn't get gwh, we still believe that we're gwh. Some things went wrong though. It was a very emotional event, and i really thought that we did very good (not to boast or anything). Our dajiyue was totally awesome. Xiang xi requires lots of skills and practise. That's why we were saddened to get gold. 'Guess we can't question the judges' credibility huh. Anyways,Congratulations to all COs. See you in the CO SYF '09. (:
Same sentiments here.(the bold ones)

Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 1
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #41 at
CO@SG on: April 24, 2009, 07:38:46 PM »
in my opinion, i highly presume its a misunderstanding, for i'm the student conductor of NCCO. the teacher-in-charge is one of the disciplinary teacher in my school and perhaps she may be judge as stern but i felt otherwise. besides that, i cant deny the fact that she's very strict with us. however, she always taught us to be humble. our daji player also don't see themselves who can play well. lastly, i must emphasise again that this matter is perhaps a misunderstanding.
Some clearing up going on here..and its true, Ms Ng is rather strict. Futhermore, we are so tearing up, and how did you see the laughter directed at the other COs?

Musician OfflinePosts: 59
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #37 at
CO@SG on: April 24, 2009, 07:07:13 PM »
please stop commenting on whether an orchestra was better than another
, or whether any orchestra didn't deserve the award given.when the comments come out then you won't even have to say anything any more. each orchestra has its own unique way of expressing itself and yeah well if people can't appreciate it thats just too bad - the judges do, and thats what mattered more at that point in time.i think that all schools that got GWH are around the same - there's no basis for music other than feeling, rhythm and accuracy. in the end it all comes to down to that 12 minutes or so on stage, where loads of things could happen for the better or the don't be biased when you say whether an orchestra deserved it or not..that 12 minutes does make a lot of difference. and even though loads of you say that temasek or ngee ann or evergreen doesn't deserve their GWH, its over. at least spare a thought for what they're feeling.
TY. but that didnt stop tongues from wagging though.(no pun intended)

i love sheng(:
Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 3
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #50 at
CO@SG on: April 25, 2009, 12:01:43 PM »
yeah.i think its just a misunderstanding.but,its over(:anws,u all aimed for a gold right?

yep we did. and i LOVE SHENG too! (lol)

Greenhorn OfflinePosts: 10
Re: Official SYF day 3 thread (SEC 2009) reply #62 at
CO@SG on: April 26, 2009, 05:47:12 PM »
it's really not very nice to critisize other COs! Every CO is unique in their own ways! N the music they play give different kind of gan jue to different people! so yupyups! congrats to all COs on day 3! :D:D
haha, totally agree!


Sunday 22 March 2009

My not-so-typical weekend [lol] pt.2

5 mins later,

Another thing would be this morning...
My goldstar swimming test is starting soon at Queenstown swimming complex and i am freaking out, i mean who wouldnt when 10 mins later, i find myself on a diving board 3 metres above sea level!!!! Ok chill...thats what i told myself, and than its my turn. I walked to the edge, look to the front, took a deep breathe and jumped. As i jumped, i realised that its really high (cuz i couldnt look down) and a voice in my brain screams its head off (wouldnt do screaming in front of kids all smaller than me). My straight legs(supposed to be), bacame not straight and my tights simply slam onto the pool surface with a resounding splash. Owww!! How wicked surface tension could be! And i am totally embarrased. The tester was lecturing us on diving safety and that we should noe how to jump and he was looking at me all the way. OK, i get it. Stop looking at me wif your razor eyes! Luckily, i wasnt disqualified.

Next would be the 2.5 min speed swimming in pjs. I was panting my lungs out and boy, i passed at 2.27 min! woohoo! However, two swimmers were disqualified (cuz they exceed by 5 secs; a younger girl and boy) We continued wif the thirty laps swim (10 backstroke, 10 sidestroke and 10 frontstroke) within 45 mins. I passed that (of course!). So, with my arms and legs aching, i took towards the bathroom with jubilant feelings cuz;
  1. I dont expect to past cuz i usually exceed the timing of the fast swim wif pjs during Andy's lessons,
  2. i took this test to give it a shot (as in 'try try la')
  3. my arms were still a little aching from holding the heavy tin can yesterday
  4. well, i guess i am a little nervous
  5. the tester is rather fierce
  6. and duh! the 3m jump which assures me that committing suicide takes a trainload of courage

Do you think i should continue to lifesaving? Still considering, and its more likely now that i got past my goldstar stage.

Ps. i practically flunked the 3m jump cuz i got no experience. Back at tampines swimming pool, they had no jump board or dive pool so we usually just jump into the pool (bad idea- it could never replace as training for jumping from a storey high!).

Tired but holding on (+cant wait to eat the chips on the dining table! yum)

kah mun

My not-so-typical weekend [lol] pt.1

Yesterday was Flag day and we had to collect donations from passersby in Ang Mo Kio. The beneficiary is YWCA and the funds will be used to help the needy (as expected). I had to sacrifice 2hrs of my beauty sleep and...okok! Its for a GOOD CAUSE. As this is my first ever Flag day, i seriously did not noe what to expect. I mean, i have seen ppl holding tins wif lots of stickers at the side asking ppl to donate some $$, but i have never been the one to ask ppl for donations. Well today i am going to find out how its like.

At 8am , i met up wif my friends outside Ang Mo Kio hub to collect tin cans wif the 'areas of spending' printed on it. As a group of five, we walked around the streets (at the same time collecting some $$). Its really a wonder that we were not caught for illegal gathering (lol). Charmine, Meng Ying and I spilt from the group and found a comfortable spot admist the closed shops. At first, there wasnt much ppl and we could get some donations. (enables me to ask each and every person{cackle}). As the morning progresses, the flow of ppl was heavier. More donations poured in, and im sure my smiling muscles are strained to the max. Ppl who are more likely to donate are as follows:

1. Men in their thirties and forties;
2. Elderly men+friendly face;
3. Families with young children;
4.Women in their fifties and sixties+kindly face;
5. Students and young adults;
6.Young couples.

Even as im beat after three hours of standing under the sun (and absorbing lots of vitamin E), i am quite surprised to find that i actually enjoyed the morning(not that i would volunteer myself again). I used to read about an article talking about Singaporeans lack of (or none at all) smiling. This was proved wrong however. Much as the author thinks that we dun smile much, our smiles are actually quite wonderful. Many ppl gave me a smile in return even when they did not want to donate(or cant to)-(thanks to my big smile! haha).

Many things happened yesterday and i cant really fill up this whole space without telling the whole story. So, it will be in point form:

  • i met up with a woman who used to study in the old Nan Chiau girls school
  • A man had walked around the streets (i presume he's a little 'wrong' in the head) laughing, with many YWCA stickers on his apparels.
  • Some ppl had spoken to me about the fact that you had to ask around for donations and not standing there waiting for ppl to come up to you to donate.(they mentioned the ppl are my 'colleagues') PS. i am NOT standing and waiting ppl. I can assure you that i am quite active in collecting donations.
  • Some kindred souls had walked up to me voluntary to give donations,
  • and more kindred souls had given more than 1 donations.
  • had teased some nan chiau, or other school's ppl, in asking for donations.haha
  • Some ppl simply ignore me...

This is definitely a fruitful trip!

kah mun

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Yadda yadda yadda...(not!)

Another eon had passed...

Well, its not like the days were worry-free...

Will be having my eighth common test tomorrow and i just had to turn to something to you know, let off pressure(sorry ms joseph, history revision will commence right after this, i swear).

Top on my 'worries' list would be the significant drop of marks in english composition writing. I never expected this, and i guess i deserved it. Thanks to my 'best friend', who goes by the name of Tenses. Arghh! Guess i had to seek mighty Ms Phua's help (haha). Expositions don't work for me and this leaves me with narratives, and not all of them are feasible, as you see, i tend to get too haywired when i get too emotional and in-depth (that's why i keep to fiction). Tenses!! Sign. (Winnie mentioned that i talk weirdly just now-some words in my sentence is in the wrong tense) What is up with me! Sharafina suggested that i must consult ms phua about this (for the sake of my future compos), which i certainly will (when my courage returns).

A cheery picture to get me by...

Still not cheerful
kah mun

Saturday 31 January 2009


Hey guys!

Its already year 2009 and my birthday + the Chinese New year has just passed. Gosh! Its been eons since i last wrote in this bloggi. To date, i went to the island of Sentosa with Xiao Yun and Vivian+her sister. FYI, Xiao Yun and Vivian are my pals in CO (Janice, another CO pal, didnt come along, sad...haha).

Went to see the flower's festival there.

Took pictures of the beach too...

Sorry about the dark clouds looming above, they just wont leave me alone you see...

Check out these cute turtles!

Say hellooo!

And of course, the MERLION!

Pic of Xiao Yun, left, and me!!, on the right (wif the pinky shirt).

End of bedtime story and sleep tight!

Snore...(like real)
kah mun