Saturday 14 November 2009

In rememberance pt 3

Yep, back from Bodyworlds yesterday and it was exhausting,(i actually slept on the bus Anyways, im glad i made this trip. The guy in charge of our demo session was actually called Seetoh. Jy and sharafina were like 'Is he your father?' Man, i wouldnt call him my relative...And he went on to explain some bio stuff which i can assure you is unnecessary, that is till he reached the part on the reproductive organs. You can actually feel that everybody in the room is getting excited. All thanks to the unidentified male human specimen on the ppt slide. His 'ahhem' is very obviously, hanging Mr Seetoh then went on to justify some human anatomy that is wrong in the picture due to the angle at which the photo was taken and yep, everybody burst into excited giggles. He even gave us five minutes of sex education...oh gosh. Disclaimer:He is seriously not my relative. The exhibition was fine, though i expected a bigger one, and you cant touch most of them cuz they were encased. It took jy and me 1hr 15 mins to finish the winding exhibition and by this time, we were famished. Obviously porridge cant fill you for long...

Well spent the whole day packing up my notes and books for recycling and there was sooo much. My room was in a total mess and is still now. Sigh, luckily i hadnt caught a flu, what with all the dust flying about from all those papers...

Yep, the papers amount to this much...

Ok maybe this was cleaner than it was just now...

Anyway since this is about remembering, i shall continue.:)

Year 2000- Mainly i started out school at Qifa. On the first day, i met Victor. He is kinda mixed blood and was loads of fun. We took the same school bus together and i remembered sitting wif him. And he is one little devil...he tickled me the whole way home. I was so busy getting back at him that i actually forget to get down the bus at my stop! lol. The bus auntie had to come and pull me out of the seat before i realised i was home,haha. Silly me. And yep, meet Mrs Poon, form teacher for class 1c. The first time i see her, i thought i saw a giant or something. Then and there, i promised to behave well cuz i wouldnt want to step on her toes. Her non-chalant look alone is enough for me. There was one time she wasnt in class and Victor was asked to sit by himself in the middle of the classroom for talking and i dun noe what happened, but he started eating paper! The whole class was shocked at first and at the next second, everybody started throwing papers at him and aasking him to eat again. This guy's a weirdo...I remembered another one of my guy frien eating...yep, colour pencil leads from the shavings. Its a wonder i hadnt started eating them myself at that

As was typical in a primary school, we were lined up in boy/girl pairs. I was the tallest girl in my class and got paired to this boy bigger-sized then me. His hands were flaking(tuo pi)! Ewww...i think he had Alzheimer's or something. Man, i had to endure countless of times holding his hands. Believe me, i was seriously reluctant and even tried to avoid holding hands with him. I never get to escape, cuz he will always grab my hand instead. Then came that one day i was shocked out of my wits. He told his friend in front of me that when he grows up, he wants to marry me.(!!!!!) I was at a lost of words and kept looking at the ground, maybe wishing that a hole would would open up and swallow me whole.

During this time, i was enrolled into Rotary childcare centre near my house. It was like this big private area wif a single storey house and it was a great place as there was a lot of outdoor space for us kids to roam and explore. (it was torn down two years back and converted to an O level exam centre- imagine my shock). Anyway, the first person i saw and who later became my best friend, was Liu Qiao. We bcame best buddies since and we were always seen wif each other at the childcare. There was this seriously interesting episode that i happened to witness but i wouldnt say it, to protect my this particular facebook But i wouldnt forget it, ok maybe this is the reason why i recognised him on facebook despite losing in touch for like eight years.

2001- Had a change of form teacher.whew. Chong Yan became my desk buddy and the unfortunate victim of my teasings. He always liked to hum a song while doing worksheets under his breath and i always managed to hear it. In response, i leaned in closer and flashed a big smile at him. He would then immediately stop humming and asked ' what!'. Can totally see that he was embarrassed haha. And i myself did the same thing one day, and he got back at me tic for tac.

Days at the childcare was rather routine: School ends go to childcare, followed by a bath,lunch and then homework before play. I also had another great buddy, Joanna. (We were however not very close till about pri three or four.)

2002- I really cant remember much of this year except that i got this really unique form teacher. We call her Ms Shara, but in fact, her name is much longer than this, and i mean much much longer. Every morning before lessons, she would switch off the lights and lighted a candle. She would then asked us to close our eyes and want us to imagine a scene. At first, i would follow,but this later became a chance for me to doze off a little while.hahas.

2002 to 2003- Holidays were spent at the childcare and they were the most fun filled time of my life. Mr Wee, who was in charge of the childcare centre, had built a playground and a sand pit beside the basketball court. You cant imagine how elated we were. The wole group of us (approx 20 ppl) spent many afternoons playing blind mice on the playground. We had to stay on the structure or we would lose and become the next blind mouse if we ever dropped to the sand pit below. The walking space on the structure itself was particularly limited and for this reason, we resorted to hanging out and even climding up onto the roof to get out of the way. If you'd actually look, you can see everybody covering every avaliable outside wall of the playground. Laughs. We were like all struggling to hold on while the blind mouse slowly made his way and waving his hands around. Sometimes, some of us would just lost our grip(me included) and get into a sandy mess. I would always go home like a sweaty There was this another time when us girls did something particularly daring. During bathe time, we locked the door of the shared bathroom and flooded the whole place! We can even sort of swim in it. Then Mdm Lee found out. Dang! We thought we were discreet enough but the excited sqeals apparently cant escape her sharp ears. She has a petite build and a strictness that is inversely proportioned. The moment she rapped her knuckles on the door, all my friends rushed to the cubicles and locked the doors, that is except for me. LOl all of them pangseh me! Then i had to become the scrapgoat by opening the door and getting slapped on the butt with a ruler. She had her eyes glued to us from that day onwards. Other than this, we also played typical girl games like 'family'.

Once, we had a new friend and she knew how to do cartwheels. We begged her to teach us and all of us spent afternoons trying to master this art. The first time i did, gravity pulled me down halfway and i knocked the crown of my head on the hard floor of the basketball court. Yep but i managed to do cartwheels smoothly after more such attempts. But the one thing i hadnt got the hang of is handstands. There is this one time I did a handstand on the slope at the entrance and managed to get myself upright. I was grinning like nodoby's business, and then came the fall. The slope and gravity had worked against me and i just fall flat down the slope. Man, i would never do a handstand there again. Us girls also liked to hang out at the monkey bars, where we were practically monkeys, hanging upside down and doing turnovers...those were the days...

Upper primary school days will be left for later...

ps. Oh and i downloaded 262 songs today from Comes With Music, shiok sia.hahas


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