Saturday 17 October 2009

In remembrance ~pt1

Been preparing for the O's and decided to take some time out to do this. And i really have to say this: "I'm gonna miss you guys!!"

To xiaoyun, janice and vivian+co: We've been through a lot in co, with all that practising and scoldings, and not to mention some mischief-making in the middle 'laughs'.

2006- Boy, xiaoyun do you remember that we spent five torturous months learning the sheng and managed to perform in time for the june school's public performance? That was a really novel experience and i couldnt believe we spent three quarters of our june holidays- going back to school everyday! I believe we had put up a great show, no matter that we are the first batch. And no matter how much scoldings we'd endured during that time, i was really pleased when our thirty ppl orchestra swept the audience off their feet. Werent you feeling glad too, when all of our efforts had amounted to something?
It was only then that i realised the meaning of teamwork, when the sounds of all of the instruments weave among each other, fiddling with each other playfully...
Ps. Remember when i twisted my pipe right in front of the conductor, and her face went totally twisted - oops. I was so scared i was practically sweating buckets in that cold room. Luckily air could still pass through that constricted airway and i do not have to pay for a new one.(whew...)

2007- We had a new teacher, Wu lao shi. Boy am i so glad. Big Guo scares me man. Then our duo sheng group welcomes two new members- janice and vivian. Xioayun and i couldnt have presented a better impression of ourselves when the both of you walked into the room- to see us playing doe to ti in the corner. Well actually, we were asked to play all of our 36 fingerings in order- 20 times. so embarrassing manz...We dun really start off too well did we? Nevertheless, i got used to turning to my right and seeing the three of you beside me. It was the SYF i guess, that pulls us together. The many days spent together in practises couldnt have bonded us more. Remember the days when all of us would walk home together, and all we'd talked about was the conductor! We've certainly got lots of complaints-
And remember how nervous we were, outside the door leading to the SYF stage. Months of preparation have led us here, and i cant tell you how intimidated i got when the previous orchestra, Catholic high, blasted their songs right through the thick wooden door. Boys certainly do have lots of energy...And can you believe we've got silver!
I will never forget the Catholic boys behind me when they gave ear-splitting screams of joy after hearing the results. We were shocked- i mean they were boys rite? They became our joke that day...

2008- The year really started off badly- with the passing of our beloved teacher,Wu lao shi. For a moment, I'm sure all of us were really shocked. He didnt just seem the type to die suddenly...did he? He seem so well the last time we saw him.
We wept together that very day...Nevertheless, we had to go on. Zhao lao shi became our tutor not long later. Also started on preparations for the SYF.

2009-Did you see the conductor's face when she came in and spot the both of you in front of the blank whiteboard? Haha. She wont be glad to hear that we have been teaching english to to zhao lao shi.~ Remember during the break, we went down to get drinks and instead spent an extra half an hour watching the parade ceremony rehearsal. Wanting to get a better look, we had to pass by that corridor (that sharafina had termed as 'the hall of smells') after the cadets file out, and boy it really stinks! That day during the school's anniversary, i had a really great time - laughing at 'jiggly' in the parade, along with Gable and De han (or is it Tai yun?). You couldnt imagine what we were thinking, it was simply hilarious. Really had to hand it to the both of them...
We were really quite exasperated nearing the SYF. There was just a lot of stuff that didnt seem right. The melody, the attitude, teamwork...But we've put in our very best. Not to mention the atmosphere everybody felt when playing at the SYF in front of the judges,- we were actually enjoying ourselves...we were swaying and moving as a group with the music, strolling, racing and even having instrument conversations! I dont have to elaborate how everybody was feeling after that. The world seems so much more colourful and for just a moment, we believed that we had outdone ourselves. And it had all came crashing down when the results were announced. Even as we console ourselves that it was not our playing that has caused us to lose marks, it was nevertheless a heavy weight indeed.

Even so, i will always remember fondly the days we had. How Janice had suddenly pulled my bag, and caused me to fall backwards. (Man, i was so surprised.) All the concerts and performances we had ever performed in, and some funny incidents that happen along the way...The days we spent hiding at the staircase playing our music, the grumbles we had lugging our heavy instruments from one place to another, pretending to play when the presidents and teachers walked past...and not to mention how we had teased zhao lao shi - in english. And oh, the fridays we spent at the pool. Doing our very own silly 'skydiving', teaching janice and xiaoyun the art of kicking and breathing(!), racing with vivian to see who could dive the longest and furthest, and the highlight of the day...watching housewives doing aqua aerobics underwater. We'd nearly choked from all that laughing in the water-laughs.

And Sheng rocks forever manz!
BFs forever!

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