Monday 18 June 2007


Oh how fast can holidays past, its already the last week before schooool starts. Haiz...i wasn't even enjoying myself much. The first week was reserved for an immersion school trip to China and it was definately fun. Come second week and i was already fretting over on how i am going to finish my heavy pile of projects and hand-written holiday work. Once i even wondered why i went for that trip when i could stay at my home sweet home and finish them up. But i never regret it as that school trip to China was hard to come by and i was one of the lucky ones who were able to get that two-way ticket.
Boy, second week went as fast as it had come and following it was third week. By the end of the third week, i had finish half of the homework and went on two shopping trips with friends. Frankly, i would be able to finish all of the homework in a week but slack had taken over my mind. So i couldn't bring myself to finish all the homework and i spent most of my time doing stuff i like. Guess's already the fourth and last week and i decided its time to get serious. But hey, why am i doing here writing......i guess i must have been bitten by a bloggerbug then.

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