Tuesday 9 October 2007

So fastttttt.............

Hey Hey! Didn't knew time could pass so fast when i'm out of blogging. Well, an update into my life,
1.Currently in the 2nd last day of the end of year exams(again)
2.Recently got addicted to a cartoon show known as Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force
Go! and especially to Spova!
Well i guess that's all and no time to spare! Now excuse me, I have art pieces to complete and another foreign language to practise. TaTa!

Kah mun (in hurry...)

Sunday 16 September 2007

Thursday's Child Excerpt

Book: Thursday's Child Author: Sonya Hartnett

An excerpt from my literature textbook that sharply shows the contrast of Da and Vandery Cable. If you are unfamiliar with the story, it's ok. I love this passage and wants to show you how this author marverlously uses her way with words to create a what-i-call stunning passage.In this passage, Da went off to look for Mr Cable to do justice for Devon (confrontation).

Vandary Cable's homestead was set in a garden of tangled briar-roses that had grown for four generations of Cables and that's where Da met him, amongst the flowers and black-spotted leaves, hearing in the distance the low runble and alarming shrill of the swine. Only Cable came out of the house but Da could see the station-hand loitering watchful at a window. It was dusk, and a silken wind nudged the brim of Da's hat until he took it off as Cable sauntered down the steps towards him. Then the breeze frolicked through his hair, mussing it in his eyes."Where's your heart, Mr Cable?" is what Da asked the pig farmer.

"Right here in my chest, where it's always been. Why do you want to know?"

"You own my son a week's wages."

"That's what he told you, is it?" Cable laughed open-mouthed, and Da caught a whiff of sherry and saw gold. "You should know better, Flute, than to take the word of a boy, having been one once yourself."

"I hope I've raised my children to tell the truth."

"Then Devon must have told you how I lost two good breeding sows through his sloppy workmanship. That's my reason for keeping his wages, and I'm running at a loss even doing that."

Da scraped the hair from his eyes. Cable's hair wasn't bothered by the breeze, having been oiled into a glistening cap. He smiled beneath this shell. "Don't tell me you didn't hear about those sows," he said. "Walked clear through one of Devon's baggy fences, both of them, and I haven't seen a hair of either since. Salted up in someone's ceiling by now, I'd reckon. It's a miracle I didn't lose the herd."

Da muttered,"No. I didn't hear that. I'm sorry for it, Mr Cable."

"So am I. You can understand why I had to let Devon go. I want fences that will keep the creatures in, not let them out."

"He hadn't had experience-"

"He's got the same teaching everyone gets and all anyone should need."

"As I say, I'm sorry. He's just a lad, Mr Cable, not skilful, and it's likely his attention wandered. He was hoping to buy a pony with his earnings here. He's been saving for years."

"I'm not a charity, Flute, nor is my heart the bleeding kind. I'm a landowner, a man of business. To me and men like me, poor work equals poor pay. Would you pay for a job so shabbily done that you lose two quality head of swine?"

"What I'm saying is-"

"No!" Cable barked. "Answer the question, Flute. Would you reward a man for work so shabbily done?"

Da wrung his hands in silence, buckling his hat. Cable's mouth twisted.

"Go home, Court," he said. "Don't speak about this to me again. I tried to do your family a favour and came out the worst for it, and there's some that would say I've a right to demand from you the price of those hogs, but I'm not asking. Having this conversation with you, however, is tempting me to change my mind."

Da had thanked him for his time and set his hat on his head. As he limped away down the cart path he could feel Cable's eyes tracking him all the way to the gate.

"I did everything anyone could, Thora," Da told Mam late that evening. "There was no talking sense to him. No matter what I said, he was going to sneak his way around it. He shouted me down, I couldn't get a word in edgewise. He derserved the spots knocked off him, but what could I do? Nothing, not with his man standing like a dog at the window.

So you see in this excerpt, Da had went to Cable's house full of determination to do justice for his son. However, he did not expect Cable to have stong reasons that will be at disadvantage to him (Da) and you can see that his determination is slowly draining away from him. This excerpt shows a change in character due to the situation around him.

That's all folks! - If you wanna read, it's in stores waiting for you!

Sunday 26 August 2007


yeay!the exams are over,however i still have my malay exam tomorrow. Haizz.......study!!!

Wednesday 1 August 2007


Hey! Can't believe its August already! (i noe i'm lame). Haiz
Anyway it seems I'm too boring for words or I'm unheard of cause there are no comments or polls...
anyway, time passes so fast.I guess the blogger bug's bite is wearing off, i don't really do much blogging already but you will hear from me every now and then..(sniff sniff...jus jokin!)

Sunday 8 July 2007

Something to remenber

Extract from one of the books of my favourite author, Neil Humphreys 'Final notes from a great island' that i love and would like to share,

A memorial is only a memorial if people can come to remenber.
-Neil Humphreys-

kah mun

Saturday 7 July 2007

A very Special Day

Do you noe that todays date is special? It consists of the day, month and year of the same numeral- 07.
As you very well guess, today is 07-07-07. 7th July 2007.This kind of date,if you actually think about it, occurs once a year from 2001 to 2012. So just want to wish everyone a Happy Special Day!
kah mun

Thursday 5 July 2007

New Bloggi

Take a look at the 'My other Bloggis' column and you shall find i have started on a new blog about my school trip to China and as i have recently just started, pls do not expect tons of words in it, i promise i shall find time to work on it and bring to you my adventures in the modern city of Shanghai's and it's relatively poor neighbours, which includes Hangzhou and Wuzhou. And of course, my experience at attending classes at a local school in Suzhou!

Do look forward as i relate them to you,
kah mun

Wednesday 4 July 2007


Just watched 'Transformers' recently and it was so damm good! It was even better than Spiderman 3 , according to myself, and this latest movie has all the elements to make one feel ermmm.....how to put it....ahhhh!...found it, heroic. It's about this guy, Sam (i think), who had a just recently got his new car, a battered yellow convertible(somehow)or beetle. Which it turns out, is actually a machine with a mind on its own, the fun when it actually respondes to Sam's thinking, and of course the heroic battle between the good and the bad. Well, for more specific details, you might as well go and watch it, this is the best i can tell you as shortest as possible. If you are a girl, you might have the first impression of 'Ewwkkk! For God's sake! that is a BOYS show, as you very well notice, so it couln't be better than that 'lame' cartoon version (no offence) and with the changing thingy, so it doesn't interest me'. Well that is almost what i was thinking (partially), but it turns out to be great!Bagus! Hao!
And one thing, this not an offence directed at movies,it's just an example.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

CO affairs ep2 ++

Haiz... second day at school when i bump head on onto today's boring CO session. Like i care wat is going to happen. As usual, once the conductor stepped into the music room, she started being crappy, omg! Like i'm going to really pay attention to all those values, vision and goals she set up. Whats more, she even like u noe, question everyone, well almost ( i'm included ),about what she said and it's so like we were treated like children like that. But anyway (like children, we were going to forget about it anyway) who cares?

Monday 25 June 2007


Alright Alright, todays the first day of the new school term and it's no big deal. But i'll tell you one thing...I'm gonna miss my holidays!!!! Luckily i wasn't scolded for those homework, or rather holiday work, i didn't finish. Well the timetable's changed too. Looks like we're going to have home econs, eng, art, digital music and chinese every monday for the rest of the school year. Haizzzz.....
Pls do leave some comments, anything! BUT no 'criticism' is allowed to throw to me like in the game of dodgeball.(save the wind in my stomach!!)

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Chinese Orchestra affairs ep1

We had CO today, Chinese Orchestra for short, and it was so damn tiring. I was even envious of the many who didnt come for practice, lazy i supposed. I was tempted to do the same for a reason....I SOOO do not want to see the conductor!
It's not that i don't like her, its just that she is so boring. She came in approximately half an hour late and from that minute on, kept rattling on and on about and reminding us stuff like our vision, goal, discipline and peppered in some of her own experiences. Although these infomation were quite 'valuable', the droning on and on of the conductor's voice made me lose my attention and the information was just like a train, passing through the tunnel from my right ear to the left one.
But at one point, she said some stuff that left me disgusted.
1. She mentioned one of the aspects of discipline, which is to be on time for practises. Does that ring a bell? Hellooo!!! If she wants us to be punctual ( which most of us were by the way), should she start by showing an example?? (Okok, i should be also understanding that she has a busy timetable.) But then think about it...
2. She has a nasty habit of setting far-fetched goals which i totally hate. I don't know about the others but it was certainly bad. For example.......'we will set one week for all of you to finish the recent score. There are 20 lines in total on the music score and if you practised 4 lines a day, you will finish the score in 5 days'.
Oh how i hate that!
The rest of the practice was spent on practising on the recent score and i had to lugged my heavy instrument back home, which left red marks on the palms of my hand (at the same time claiming what was left of the energy i had).

Episode 1 The end

Monday 18 June 2007


Oh how fast can holidays past, its already the last week before schooool starts. Haiz...i wasn't even enjoying myself much. The first week was reserved for an immersion school trip to China and it was definately fun. Come second week and i was already fretting over on how i am going to finish my heavy pile of projects and hand-written holiday work. Once i even wondered why i went for that trip when i could stay at my home sweet home and finish them up. But i never regret it as that school trip to China was hard to come by and i was one of the lucky ones who were able to get that two-way ticket.
Boy, second week went as fast as it had come and following it was third week. By the end of the third week, i had finish half of the homework and went on two shopping trips with friends. Frankly, i would be able to finish all of the homework in a week but slack had taken over my mind. So i couldn't bring myself to finish all the homework and i spent most of my time doing stuff i like. Guess what...it's already the fourth and last week and i decided its time to get serious. But hey, why am i doing here writing......i guess i must have been bitten by a bloggerbug then.

Monday 11 June 2007


''in the dark''

This is an extract from the 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'of book thirteen entitled 'The End' by Lemony Snicket.I hope you enjoyed it as i do.

-(Chapter Nine)-
''The phrase "in the dark," as I'm sure you know,can refer not only to one's shadowy surroundings,but also to the shadowy secrets of which one might be unaware.Every day,the sun goes down over all these secrets,and so everyone is in the dark in one way or another.If you are sunbathing in a park,for instance,but you do not know that a locked cabinet is buried fifty feet beneath your blanket,then you are in the dark even though you are not actually in the dark,whereas if you are on a midnight hike,knowing full well that several ballerinas are following close behind you,then you are not in the dark even if you are in fact in the dark.Of course,it is quite possible to be in the dark in the dark,as well as to be not in the dark not in the dark,but there are so many secrets in the world that it is likely that you are always in the dark about one thing or another,whether you are in the dark in the dark or in the dark not in the dark,although the sun can go down so quickly that you may be in the dark about being in the dark in the dark,only to look around and find yourself no longer in the dark about being in the dark in the dark,but in the dark in the dark nonetheless,not only because of the dark,but because of the ballerinas in the dark,who are not in the dark about the dark,but also not in the dark about the locked cabinet,and you may be in the dark about the ballerinas digging up the locked cabinet in the dark,even though you are no longer in the dark about being in the dark,and so you are in fact in the dark about being in the dark,even though you are not in the dark about being in the dark,and so you may fall into the hole that the ballerinas have dug,which is dark,in the dark,and in the park.''

Confusing huh?
Cheers! kah mun