Thursday 6 March 2008

Hallelujah-part 2

The next day after the news of our win to host the youth olympics, it was monday, aka english newspaper reading day. There was an article on the days leading up to the results (25 Feb 08 The Straits Times- IN pg 12). Apparently, the mayor of Moscow had told reporters that 'he was worried about young people exercising in the heat and humidity of Singapore'. Seriously i understand his concerns, but it beats exercising in frozen waters and running on cold feet. After all, it was common sense that Russia was located quite near the North pole. Read on...'Then, New York-based paediatric expert Ljiljana Dimitrijevic was quoted by reporter Gennady Fyodorov (both very Russian names...) as saying:"Heat and humidity are big risk factors and, taking into account that the games will be staged in the summer, Moscow looks a more preferable choice than Singapore." ' OMG! Don't they ever research or ever come to Singapore? We residents knew very well this was not the case, we still had weathers that are actually chilly to the bone...and most of our buildings and areas are actually air-conditioned. Haiz...what a selfish one-sided (singapore did NOT 'take part') war of words...I mean seriously, is this how the global world is like? Hurl stinging comments at countries at their weakness in a bid to win? Why can't they be more amicable? Why can't they be more polite? Must i say how insulting they are?

in Moscow...
thought they...
were actually...
well mannered...

GREATLY Disappointed,

1 comment:

Tsukinaka. said...

Hi Kah Mun! How'd you find my blog address? And you've certainly picked up a few english tricks from Sharafina. ^_^