Tuesday 27 July 2010

Emotional slump?

Maybe it's just part of the cycle,
Or it's just me.

Getting out of an emotional slump ain't easy,
It creeps upon you when you aren't noticing,
And when you realise it's there, you can feel it,
Then you had to come out and made it messier,
I've left you behind on the dusty road miles back
But you tagged along on my mind.
My dreams beckoned to me,
Enticing me to put down my burdens,
But can I?
I wanna feel the sun on my face again,
The sweet feeling of carefree,
Without worries and fears,
And i will be surrounded by laughter.
We are all caged birds, aren't we?
Trapped in a system that sought to give the best for us
But at what cost?
Everybody gets down from time to time,
But does it need to get so, hurtful?
The feeling of being abandoned by joy,
Or the feeling that you can't accomplished anything?
It's just what I'm feeling now,
It doesn't need to get to you,
Nobody is perfect,
I just need a channel.
Dudder out.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Another one

Have opened up another blog, not on blogger though;
So here it is,

Promise i won't neglect this blog (though i havent touched this one since May..)
kah mun :D