Tuesday 27 July 2010

Emotional slump?

Maybe it's just part of the cycle,
Or it's just me.

Getting out of an emotional slump ain't easy,
It creeps upon you when you aren't noticing,
And when you realise it's there, you can feel it,
Then you had to come out and made it messier,
I've left you behind on the dusty road miles back
But you tagged along on my mind.
My dreams beckoned to me,
Enticing me to put down my burdens,
But can I?
I wanna feel the sun on my face again,
The sweet feeling of carefree,
Without worries and fears,
And i will be surrounded by laughter.
We are all caged birds, aren't we?
Trapped in a system that sought to give the best for us
But at what cost?
Everybody gets down from time to time,
But does it need to get so, hurtful?
The feeling of being abandoned by joy,
Or the feeling that you can't accomplished anything?
It's just what I'm feeling now,
It doesn't need to get to you,
Nobody is perfect,
I just need a channel.
Dudder out.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Another one

Have opened up another blog, not on blogger though;
So here it is,

Promise i won't neglect this blog (though i havent touched this one since May..)
kah mun :D

Sunday 2 May 2010

Tsk tsk - smiles

It ain't easy, i tell ya. Life at jc equals to no life at all. Notes, homework and term tests literally engulf me, and oh, not to mention projects, photog stuff and relationships. But its another stage us typical Singaporeans have to go through. And at my school, PE is tough. That's like 16 rounds of track per week, aka 6.4km. I'm not kidding. Are there any jcs out there whose PE is tougher? And yep, sometimes the teachers would throw in 200 skips, jumps, seat ups, pull ups, crunches etc etc. Never know...

Having the urge to go out and run now, even if its already twelve plus.

Been out this past two days thanks to PW. Sat: Consultation with Ms Choy at Macs was a flop since we were all chased out of the place, and we had to trudge back to school instead. Followed by lunch with seow hwee, jiayu, kenny and kangwei, peppered with gossip at AMK. (Cant believe what kangwei did, lols.) Then its a train ride down to meet my mom at Suntec, where she's meeting her financial consultant. While they conversed, I ended up 'snoring' on my history notes.
Yea, Cold war is pretty long, i couldn't really see the end of it yet...

Today, its Starbucks wif Seow hwee, ayesha, kenny and Mikhail and we are doing PW AGAIN. Spent the next 2 and a half hours sharing 2 cups of coffee (we are not saliva conscious), being serious, joking and thinking. By viola, we managed to finish our GPP, thank goodness, and then on to Macs for lunch, guess I'm not getting much of a choice here...And i realised two of my groupmates are strikingly similar to Crayon Shinchan...u noe who u are(winks). In truth, im experiencing a kinda different culture from u guys right now, so forgive me.

But its really nice to go out in a group together, with members of both gender. Boys aren't really as reclusive as i think and they are pretty much ok to go along with. And Ayesha + Seow hwee are fun people to be with:) Then its studying at Elvira's. Haven't seen her for quite some time, so its half talk and half study hahas. Had rum and raisin ice cream that kept me awake till now, and not to forget the yummy fried Mars choco balls Elvira bought that are giving me a scratchy throat right now (thanks for thinking of me when u up-sized that order gurl!)

Now, its back to school work and I would like the bed now please, the rum's wearing off....

Undecided whether she feels stressed or numbed,

Saturday 17 April 2010

Word of thanks

It may sound typical to you but for me, it has turned my week upside down.

My grandma was in the hospital and last Sunday, she took a terrible turn for the worst. Dad was with her from Sat night till Sun morning and when he came back, he was in tears. That was when i knew something was terribly wrong. She was in and out of the hospital twice last month due to high glucose content in her blood, aggravated by her diabetic condition. And that Sunday, her kidney showed signs of malfunctioning and she was in pain...

When i went to see her at the hospital, she had changed so much, so old and fragile. My grandmother is in a critical condition, if the fact that the hospital allowed all 12 of us into the ward after visiting hours was any indication. For the third time in my life, i felt what near-death was like.

The next day, i dreaded going to school. But you guys have pulled me up and supported me till i felt better. Your company and smses have been a great consolation. Thanks a lot!

For the love of life, she has been recovering since Wednesday. At 90 years old, she is the strongest person I've ever known. She raised her nine kids single-handedly and made sure most of them received an education, no matter how tough life is...

And my Dad, who showed me the true meaning of filial piety. He stayed with my grandmother almost everyday, keeping her optimistic and cared for her every need. He would also be sure to visit my grandmother every week, before she was admitted. The best thing a child could give to his/her parent?-Love and support.

Love, care and support are always the strongest during such dark times, and i understood now. Family will always be what i treasure most, always. I will not be who i am without the care and love of my family.

Friends are a phrase of my life, but family is my life.

Yep, i am pro-family. Nevertheless, i treasure my friends too as good friends are rare and hard to find. Finally thanks to Jiaying and Atiqah, for being my pillar of support.

Great news, she is still recovering!:)

Stay strong, Ah ma! Do not give up, i want you to be there when i graduate from university, promise!

Your granddaughter,
Mun mun

Monday 22 March 2010

Time for something...

Thought it time to honour all my friends who have been pillers, listeners, comforters and buddies to me during the secondary school years:)

Guan hui

And not forgetting my Pri school pals...

Chn zhi
Rui qi
Liu Qiao
Chew yan

Thanks guys for all the support you've given me over the years! You have no idea how much i appreciate our friendships, no matter how long or short it is. So just wanna wish you all blastin' good times ahead!!


Monday 1 March 2010


Whoosh, its been a seriously long time since i left any 'literary' works here.lol... Well anyway, have since shifted school to a new college life in Anderson jc. And yeah, its a mugger school, which till recently, i am in the dark about. Jeez...

So ya, hadnt been in school last fri and i return to school today to find out that i had many unfinished homework. And we had to pay for notes here and files there, not to mention the optional broader perspectives' magazine. Its been only like four days since the real timetable starts and i am beginning to feel like a mugger~

Weell, i've got to say my P
DG aka class, is not bad at all. They were a cheery and united bunch and quite easy to talk to. Of course being a rather conservative person, it will be some time before i can really joke and crap like nobody's business with them. And did i tell you, we were already designing our class hoodie!

For my CCA, i decided to join something n
ew instead of chinese orchestra and viola! I got into the photographic society, which is a rather cool and important CCA here in AJ. And the latest exciting news....i am selected as a volunteer for the upcoming Youth Olympics!! Man, i am so excited, can actually meet people from all over the world and watch the events for free!(i guess:)

Went back to Nan Chiau last week and
was a little sad...

Anyway, here's to a new life in AJ!
