Friday 14 August 2009

A slice of life pt1

Found this rather meaningful...

A SLICE OF LIFE – Go With the Flow

Life is like a raging river. There is constant flow. In fact, agitation and movement are essential for life to endure. Stagnant waters breed disease and decay.

So when life decides to throw a rock at us, like when we lose a job or partner, don’t lose heart. Don't negatively judge events or circumstances that initially seem “bad” or “unfortunate”. Things don’t happen by accident, and mistakes or misfortunes are simply precursors for positive change.

We can't control things like losing a job or losing a partner. Loss is essential for growth and survival. When we experience loss or some other stressful change in our lives, we can give in to negative feelings like anger, disappointment, self-pity, self-loathing, trepidation and fear. We can allow these emotions to strain our mind, effectively crippling its ability to discover viable solutions. We can imagine the worst, and let something that may not come to pass affect our present state of mind.

Or we can go with the flow of change. Some things in our lives have to go in order to make way for better things. The Universe has a way of nudging us along when we get too lazy, complacent or comfortable. Occasionally, it gives us a big shove. The Universe knows when stagnation is making us fat and feeble. It knows when something in our lives has to shift in order for us to continue growing. It then arranges for people and events to push us towards what we were meant to be.

Most people however, choose to resist or ignore the signs. They are so firmly embedded in the riverbed that they refuse to let the currents lift them away. The years go by, and along with them, a flood of lost opportunities and the stubborn rocks are finally left buried under algae and dirt.

If you've recently lost your job, lost a partner or something you felt was valuable to you, think… Were you really happy with your job?

Did you put your dreams on hold because you were trapped in a wake up, go to work, go home, go to bed routine? Had you stopped growing in that job? Did nothing excite you anymore about your work? What about your ex-partner? Were you really good for each other? Or were you hanging on because you were afraid of being alone?

You didn’t have the time nor the nerve to go out and do what you really wanted to do. Well, now you do!

Go with the flow of change!

For all...


Sunday 9 August 2009


Zzzzz...hey to whoever out there...

Ahem...let me ask, wat is wrong nowadays.
Is it me or that many people are sinking in a sand hole of depressionism...
Hey comeon guys cheer up
I'm no klutz either...
On a higher note, i had quite a fun day today. JY came to my house and we did some studying. I had to lug in a bigger table from the kitchen to the window corner of my room...cuz my table was basically too small.
Other than studying, JY 'inspected' my books, flipping through scores of my baby photos and we also played Taboo, singlish version. Plus immersing ourselves in the voices of lohan, archuleta and sugababes.
We later went to cp...'oh man, we missed the pledge taking' and promptly did it in the back seats of the bus. Like how silly we can be.'laughs'
Brought soy bean milk. JY decided to spill hers on the seats and we hid in the toilet for some time...oops
Nine thirty came and well, home bound.

Been flipping through some of my travel photos and think it might be fun to post some...

Date: Nov 08
Location: China
Currently: On the night train bound for rural Zhangjiajie from Guangzhou

Ok apparently this was taken the morning after but look at that, i mean whoa.

Look at that brother of mine on my bunk. He always 'loves' my bed. Get off man. "laughs"

The weather was, as my dad says 'shiok man', it hit us right smack in the face and i lurve the weather. Left the luggage lugging to mum and bro...before you smack me on the butt abt this, my dad was behind this camera and he wasnt lugging any luggage guy. Btw, Im the one in the red hoodie. We were actually looking for our china tour guide and mates, damn they walk fast...and they were hardly noticable, what with their common brown jackets and all.

Before i forget, Happy Birthday Singapore! (love you!!)

loggin out...

Thursday 6 August 2009


The string of olevels is already underway...chinese-tick, eng oral-tick,chem skill 3-tick....Coming rite up- bio skill 3, msp oral, eng oral...groan...not to mention another round of prelims. Hey i'm not complaining...just found out some great songs that you might wanna go check them out...

@You belong with me - Taylor Swift\
@Crush - David Archuleta\
@Longer - "
@With you -"
